Tuesday 24 November 2009

Newcastle Town Moor marathon

Weather forecasts for the Newcastle marathon indicated we'd stay dry and not too windswept if we all ran world record times, so it was looking like another battle against the elements on the Town Moor, an exposed bit of rough parkland outside the city. The route was 5 wiggly laps of the moor with a fair bit of doubling back so there was plenty of opportunity to spot familiar faces and exchange a wave. There were so many familiar faces too, both Fetchies and 100 marathon club types, so it was a very social day out. I think a few found the multi-lap and open nature of the route challenging, you knew exactly what was coming and how far was left. I like multiple laps (to an extent, not sure I'm ready for a track marathon just yet), and for me the time passed very quickly.

It was pretty uneventful really, and I don't want to write a weather report. Yes, it was windy, but only in the last 3 laps and only really for a one mile stretch each time across the open moor. Compared to Pembrokeshire, it was just a bit of a breeze and having to cope with it for only 10 minutes at a time made me wonder what the fuss was about. Relativism, love it. And other than one grassy muddy hill that was about 0.2 miles long, it was completely flat. You can't complain about 1 mile of ascent in a marathon especially when you get the reward of the downhill afterwards. I personally think that this is a very quick race, in good conditions, fast times are definitely achievable.

This made my time a real indication that I'm not running well at the moment. I felt fine throughout, with no dramas, just slow slow legs. I made up some time in the later laps and passed several people for 4'23 (again) but this really should have been a sub 4 course for me. I saw a nutritionist on Friday and believe she will have a more constructive suggestion than "eat more" to address the lack of energy. Along with a few weeks' rest in December to eliminate the niggles, catch up on sleep and top up the motivation, it ought to set me up for 4 months of solid and productive training in the new year.

Not my most scenic marathon!

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