Thursday 3 March 2011

Ok, if you're racing a marathon, the scenery doesn't matter in the slightest as you won't be able to see it. Hence, tomorrow I'll list the fastest courses I've run / best PB potential. Here are some ideas for marathons to treat as long slow runs. (When my computer's fixed I'll try to find some photos)

Best scenery

#6 - Mauritius. Roads lined with bougainvillea, mountains, ocean, kids with huge grins and finishing on the beach. Stunning.

#5 - The Cornish. Bodmin Moor, a charming valley bottom and cute hamlets.

#4 - Dartmoor Discovery. Dartmoor, wide open views over the tors, ponies on the route, fab ancient stone bridges and more cute hamlets.

#3 - Snowdonia. Snowdonia National Park, innit.

#2 - Connemara. The biggest open spaces I've seen in the UK and virtually noone there. Monumental, forbidding and utterly beautiful.

#1 - Langdale. I love the Lake District, even in spite of family caravan holidays there several times a year, usually in the cold and wet. This is one of my favourite spots in the world - burnt orange bracken on the fellsides, huge hills (that you have to run over), cute fat brown sheep and a great pub at the finish.

Best city scenery

#5 - Hamburg. Loads of stunning lakeside to run along through some very well off parts of the city.

#4 - Florence. For the start overlooking one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

#3 - Barcelona. Starting under the National Art Museum, with a fine stretch along the beach.

#2 - Porto. You get to run along the sea and the river for the bulk of this race, and over a stunning bridge. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous.

#1 - Rome. Easy choice. You start and finish at the Colosseum, run through the Vatican, pass so many ancient and important sites that it's not the cobbles tripping you up, it's the fact that you're looking anywhere but the road. Simply superb.

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